Lesson 53:More on Negative form of the Abilitative mood -y(a)bilmek,-y(e)bilmek.

                                                               GRAMMAR NOTES

As we hinted in the final part of Lesson 41 this mood is easily formed in all tenses just by inserting an -e- or -a- before the negative suffix of any negative verb whether it be active, passive, reflexive, reciprocal,or causative.

Let's see in more details as this rule applies for all tenses markin of course the distinction between A -undotted verbs and E -dotted verbs (in other words verbs whose infininitive mood end in -MAK or -
MEK respectively:

Example using the verb Bakmak (to look)

bakmamak - not to look becomes: bakamamak - not to be able to look
bakamıyorum - I can't look
bakamadın or bakamıyordun - you could not look
bakamıyordu - he was not able to look
bakamazsak - if we cannot look - (Conditional form)
bakamayacaksınız - you will not be able to look
bakamadılar or bakamıyorlardı - they could not look
It can be seen above that the tense and personal endings are added to make the full verb form - this includes the "if" forms of the Conditional Mood.

Examples using the verb Çekmek (To pull)

çekmemek - to not pull becomes: çekememek- not to be able to pull
çekemem - I can't come
çekemiyorsun - you cannot pull
çekilemedi - it could not be pulled - (Passive form)
çekemeyeceğiz - we will not be able to pull
çekememiştiniz - you had not been able to pull


The buffer letter -y- is used to keep the last vowel of the verb stem separate from the -e- negative potential particle that has been added to the normal negative infinitive.

Examples using the verb Anlamak (to understand):

anlamamak - to understand becomes: anlayamamak - (anla-y-a-ma-mak)- not to be able to understand
anlayamadım - I could not understand
anlamasaydın - if you did not understand
anlayamasaydın - if you could not understand - (adding the Negative Potential)
anlayamamış - it seems he could not understand - (Inferential Tense)
anlaşılamayacaksak - if we will not be able to understood - (Passive form)
anlayamazsınız - you cannot understand
anlaşamadılar - they could not agree- [lit: understand each other] - (Reciprocal form)

Examples using th verb Beklemek (to wait):

beklemek- to wait, expect - becomes: bekleyememek - (bekle-y-e-memek) - not to be able to wait
bekleyemesem - if I cannot wait - (Conditional tense)
bekletemeyeceksin - you will not be able to let (it/him) wait - (Causative form)
beklenemedi - it could not have been expected - [lit: awaited] - (Passive form)
bekleyemeyeceğiz - we will not be able to wait
bekleyemezdiniz - you couldn't have waited
bekleyememişler - it seems that they cannot wait - (Inferential tense)

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