Lesson 46:Conditional tense in Turkish. Conversation: At my house - Evimde

In this lesson we will focus on the Conditional Tense in Turkish and its different forms.

Listen to the following conversation and pick the verbs in conditional tense (in red).

"Ablam evde yok mu Leyla? Nerede?
Bir arkadaşi ile sinemaya gitti.
Hangi sinemaya gittiler? Biliyormusun?
Kent sineması'na.
Ne zaman gittiler?
Biraz önce gittiler.Çabuk gidersen köşede yakalarsın.
Kaç dakika oldu?
On dakika kadar oldu.
Yakın bir sinema olsaydı giderdim.
Dolmuşla gidersen belki sinemanın önünde onları görürsün."


Sinemanın önünde: in front of the cinema 
Belki: Perhaps 

                                                          GRAMMAR NOTES

As you all know, In English the Conditional Tenses are introduced by a little word: if
In Turkish conditional - if - sentences are often introduced with the word -eğer - if or less commonly - şayet - lest, unless In Turkish these words are pointers alerting the listener that a Condition and Result are following.

The Conditional Suffixes.

The Turkish Conditional is characterized by the suffix -se- or -sa- (according to Vowel Harmony rules).
A simple example is - var - there is, there are - which becomes varsa - if there is, if there are - with the addition of the -sa Conditional Suffix.
The negative of course is based on: yok- there isn't, there aren't - which becomes: yoksa - if there isn't, if there aren't
Paranız varsa bana verin.- If you have (any) money (then) give it to me.
Bir araç yoksa burada kalalım. - If there isn't a vehicle (then) let's stay here.

The Conditional Tenses are formed by adding the Conditional Personal endings to the -(y)se- or -(y)sa- suffix to the verb in any suitable tense or mood. The mark of the Conditional Suffix follows Vowel Harmony Rules, therefore there are two forms -se or -sa to choose from. Some examples in differing Tenses and Moods are shown below to prove how Vowel Harmony affects the -se, -sa Conditional Suffix.

Personal suffixes will follow and be attached to the conditional suffixes.
Look at the following examples and study them carefully:

If I- (verb)+sem or -sam example yaparsam - if I do
If you-(verb)+ sen or -san example giriyorsan - if you are entering
If he-(verb)+ se or -sa example kesilecekse - if it will be cut, if it is to be cut
[In our example above the verb is in its passive form - kesilmek- to be cut - from - kesmek - to cut]
If we-(verb)+ sek or -sak example anlaşmıyorsak - if we are not agreeing
If you-(verb)+ seniz or -saniz example mutlu olmayacaksanız - if you will not be happy
If they-(verb)+ seler or -salar example gelebilecekseler- if they will be able to come.

Let's see now the table of conjugation of the Conditonal tense:

Gelmek: To go

The Simple Present ConditionalThe Present Continuous Conditional
gelsemIf I comegeliyorsamIf I am coming
yazsan If you writeyazmıyorsanIf you are not writing
gülseIf he laughsgülecekseIf he will laugh
içsekIf we drinkiçiyorsakIf we are drinking
görebilirsenizIf you can seegörmüyorsanızIf you are not seeing
yapıyorsalarIf they are doingyapabilirselerIf they can do

The Conditional Positive

Here are some examples of the main tenses in use of gelmek - to come - and - gelmemek - not to come
Simple Actual Conditional
gelsemif I were to come
gelsenif you were to come
gelseif he were to comes
gelsekif we usually come
gelsenizif you were to come
gelselerif they were to come

Present Continuous
geliyorsamif I am coming
geliyorsanif you are coming
geliyorsaif he is coming
geliyorsak if we coming
geliyorsanızif you are coming
geliyorsalarif they are coming

Simple Habitual
gelirsem if I (usually) come
gelirsen if you (usually) come
gelirse if he (usually) comes
gelirsek if we (usually) come
gelirsenizif you (usually) come
gelirselerif they (usually) come

Future Intention
geleceksemif I (will) come
geleceksenif you (will) come
gelecekseif he (will) come
geleceksekif we (will) come
geleceksenizif you (will) come
gelecekselerif they (will) come

Past Reality
geldiysemif I came
geldiysenif you came
geldiyse if he came
geldiysek if we came
geldiysenizif you came
geldiyselerif they came
Past Unreality
gelseydimIf only I had come
gelseydinIf only had come
gelseydiIf only had come
gelseydikIf only we had come
gelseydinizIf only you had come
gelseydilerIf only they had come

Conditional Negative Tenses

Negative Simple Actual Conditional
gelmesemif I were not to come
gelmesenif you were not to come
gelmeseif he were to not comes
gelmesekif we usually do not come
gelmesenizif you were not to come
gelmeselerif they were not to come

Negative Present Continuous Conditional
gelmiyorsamif I am not coming
gelmiyorsanif you are not coming
gelmiyorsaif he is not coming
gelmiyorsak if we are not coming
gelmiyorsanızif you are not coming
gelmiyorsalarif they are not coming

Negative Simple Habitual Conditional
gelmezsem if I (usually) do not come
gelmezsen if you (usually) do not come
gelmezse if he (usually) do not comes
gelmezsek if we (usually) do not come
gelmezsenizif you (usually) do not come
gelmezselerif they (usually) do not come
Negative Future Conditional
gelmeyeceksemif I (will) not come
gelmeyeceksenif you (will) not come
gelmeyecekseif he (will) not come
gelmeyeceksekif we (will) not come
gelmeyeceksenizif you (will) not come
gelmeyecekselerif they (will) not come
Negative Past Real Conditional
gelmediysemif I had not come
gelmediysenif you had not come
gelmediyse if he had not come
gelmediysek if we had not come
gelmediysenizif you had not come
gelmediyselerif they had not come
Negative Past Unreal Conditional
gelmeseydimIf only I had not come
gelmeseydinIf only you had not come
gelmeseydiIf only he had not come
gelmeseydikIf only we had not come
gelmeseydinizIf only you not had come
gelmeseydilerIf only they had not come

Examples in other tenses

There are other tense form (such as the Inferential Tense) which are used in conditional sentences and one should learn to recognize the -se- or -sa- form of the verbal suffix to realize that the conditional - if - should be used.
Erken varırsanız, beklemelisiniz. - If you arrive early, you will have to wait.
Erken varırsanız, beklersiniz. - If you arrive early, you would have to wait.
Erken varsaydınız, bekleyecektiniz. - If you had arrived early, you would have had to wait.
Sana yardım edebilirlerse, yardım edecekler. - They will help you if they can.
Sana yardım etseler, yardım ederler. - They would help you if they could.
Sana yardım edebilseydiler, (yardım) ederlerdi. - [or edeceklerdi] -They would have helped you if they could have.
Fazla içersen sarhoş olursun. - If you drink too much you get drunk.
Çok çalışmazsan, sınavı geçemeyeceksin - Unless you work hard you will not be able to pass your test.
Sigara içmeyi bırakırsan, daha uzun yaşarsın. - If you stop smoking you will live longer.
Yağmur yağmasaydı dışarı çıkacaktık. - We would have gone out if it had stopped raining.
Eğer buradan gitseydim sana yazardım. - If I had gone away, I would have written to you.

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