In this lesson we will focus on the the use of GENITIVE CASE in Turkish in the formation of compound nouns.
Before you start this lesson it may be useful to review this Table in order review the rules applying to the cases.
Listen to this passage.It's holiday time and kids do not go to school. You will familiarize with new words and expressions.
" Çocuklar şimdi okula gitmiyorlar,çünkü okullar tatil.Onlar dinlaniyorlar,denize gidiyorlar.kitap okuyorlar v spor yapıyorlar.Benim bir erkek kardeşim var.O hiç bir yere gitmiyor. Sabahtan akşama kadar evde oturuyor.Annesi ona çok kızıyor. Çünkü o çok şımarık bir çocuk.Hep piyano çalıyor ve çok gürültü yapıyor.Günde 5 kere yemek yiyor sonra uyuyor ya da piyano çalıyor."
Şimdi: Now,in this moment
Tatil: Holiday
Kitap: Book
Dinlemek: To rest
Okumak: To read
Spor yapmak: To do sports
Hiç bir yere: nowhere
Sabahtan akşama kadar: from morning to night
Kardeş: Brother or sister - fratello,sorella
Oturmak: To sit down
Anne: Mum, mother
Şımarık: spoiled
Gürültü: noise
Piyano çalmak: to play the piano
Bir kere: Once
Uyumak: To sleep
In Turkish compounds can be assimilated to possessive relationship and appear in three different forms.The ownership of any object,material or quality is expressed by one these forms:
- A form corresponing to the equivalent of aphostrofe in English.In Turkish this is obtained by attaching the possessive suffixes ( -in, -ın, -un, -ün) or ( -nin, -nın, -nun, -nün for nouns ending in a vowel) to the noun to show the possessor and the 3rd person possessive ending to the noun possessed.
( -in, -ın, -un, -ün) are the genitive endings and their choice occurs, do not forget that, in accordance with the vowel harmony.
When the noun ends in a vowel only "n" is to be attached.
The possessed noun takes possessive endings ( -i, -ı, -u, -ü )after consonants and (-si, sı, -su, -sü) after vowel ending nouns.
The following chart will help understand this principle:
2. If we want to express a qualifying relationship such as "Yatak odası" - (Bedroom) or Atatürk Havalimanı -(Atatürk Airport) the first nound indicates the origin, the function or the type of the modified noun and will remain unchanged in its form, not taking any suffix.
Only the possessed noun (second term of the compound) will take the 3rd person possessive suffix.
The following chart will help understand this principle:
Do not confuse noun/noun compounds with an adjective/noun compound.
The latter remain unchanged in both components.
Examples: Büyük Sinema, Küçük Tiyatro
3. In the 3rd form neither the modifiying noun nor the modifier take any suffix. In this case the modifier indicats the material of which the modified noun is made.
A few example will better clarify:
Material Modified noun
Altin Küpe ( Golden earring)
Naylon Çorap ( Nylon socks)
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