Lesson n. 14: The preposisions "Yanında" ( next to, beside) and "Içinde"(inside)- Conversation

In this lesson you will familiarize with more prepositions.
The prepositions "YANINDA" and "İÇİNDE" mean  "next to" and "inside" respectively.
They stem from "YAN" (side) and "İÇ" (internal, interior).
In the following passage you can clearly understand the use of these prepositions and how they are subject to double declension (possessive and genitive), as we already saw in Lesson n.13 .
It's worth of reminding that there are other prepositions in Turkish following this pattern.

Listen to this passage:

- Sinemanın yanında ne var?  - What is next to (beside) the cınema?
- Sinemanın yanında dar bir sokak var. - Ther is a narrow street next to the cinema.
- Okulun yanında ne var?   - What is next to (beside) the school?
- Parkın yanında ne var?    -  What is next to (beside) the park?
- Parkın yanında bir taksi var. - There is a taxi next to the park. -
- Taksinın içinde bir şoför var. - There is a driver in the taxi.
- Okulun içinde çocuklar var - There are kids (children) in the school
- Lokantanın içinde kim var?  - Who is in the restaurant?
- Lokantanın içinde iki adam ve iki hanım var. - There are two men and two women in the restaurant.


İçinde:  Inside
Yanında:  Next to, beside
Dar: Narrow
Sokak: Street
Şoför: Driver
Kim var? : Who is there?

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