Lesson 38:The FutureTense part 2-Interrogative and interrogative- negative form

In Lesson 37 we introduced the Future Tense in Turkish and its affirmative and egative forms.
Listen to the passage in Lesson 37 again to pick the verbs in future tense.
We will see now the two remaining forms, interrogative and interrogative-negative whose construction does not differ much from other tenses we have already touched in previous lessons.
Let's go straight into details then.

The interrogative form of the Future Tense is based on the following pattern:

Infinitive stem+
Future suffixes -(y) ecek (ğ) or -(y)acak (ğ) +
Personal suffixes + (as in affimative and negative form)
Interrogative particles mi or
A few examples to make this concept clear:
Will you take that medicine?
O ilaçı alacak sın?
Are they going to meet their friends?
Onlar arkadaşlarınla görüşecekler mi?
Will we watch that program?
O programı seyredecek miyiz?

The interrogative- negative form is based on the following pattern:

Infinitive stem+
Negative particle me or ma
Future suffixes -(y) ecek (ğ) or -(y)acak (ğ) +
Personal suffixes + (as in affimative and negative form)
Interrogative particles mi or
As examples let's make negative those in interrogative form:
Won't you take that medicine?

O ilaçı almacak sın?

Aren't they going to meet their friends?

Onlar arkadaşlarınla görüşmeyecekler mi?

Won't we watch that program?

O programı seyretmeyecek miyiz?

There is not much to add here than the fact that we use the buffer letter "Y" to liaise two consecutive vowels.
Try to practice more on this future forms by conjugating in interrogative and interrogative-negative the verbs given in Lesson 37.

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